The right side of the frame is stamped with an Ordnance Wheel cartouche behind the grips, UNITED STATES PROPERTY over the serial number behind the slide stop pin hole and M 1911 US Army in front of the slide stop pin hole. SYRACUSE, NY USA, and the P proof is displayed on top centered between the ejection port and rear sight. The left side of the slide is marked with the third type legend REMINGTON RAND INC. Frame markings -Serial number -Knurling on trigger - Extended beavertail grip control -Reconfigured safety system - Including the pistol's number -According to a list, this pistol was number 2,465,139. According to reports, the last Remington-Rand pistol was numbered 2,465,139. Watch the American Rifleman Television show This Old Gun video segment linked above to learn more about Remington Rand's M1911A1 pistols. Remington Rand's simple-line manufacturing process not only allowed for increased production capacity, but also improved product quality, which resulted in improved product quality, resulting in increased product quality and improved product quality, which resulted in improved product quality, which resulted in improved production capability, which resulted in improved product quality, which resulted in the future collectability of its war weapons produced for the war effort.

Despite uproars and slow transitions into firearms manufacturing, Remington Rand, not to be confused with Remington Arms Company proper, fought the war effort by supplying almost double as many pistols as its nearest competitor, with exceptions. 45 ACP-chambered semi-automatics of John Browning's M1911 model. The US government ordered the development of M1911A1 pistols, a. This is an example of a late 1945 Remington-Rand Model 1911A1 pistol, which is an example.